
Paul Chen


电邮: mingtaochen@hotmail.com

电话: +1 (613) 236-7656

陳明道牧師在台灣出生長大, 先後在台北,英國倫敦及加拿大渥太華攻讀財經碩士及經濟學博士學位, 並曾於加拿大聯邦政府外交及國貿部擔任政策分析工作。在讀書期間於渥太華國語宣道會信主受洗, 之後蒙召全職奉獻, 赴溫哥華西三一大學ACTS 神學院攻讀道學碩士, 之后返回母會擔任助理牧師 (2007-2008) 及主任牧師 (2009- ) 至今。 陳牧師於2015年通過加拿大宣道會按牧, 並於同年起在多倫多天道神學院進修教牧學博士 (靈命塑造學程)。陳牧師對『大使命』(太28:19-20) 極有負擔, 希望與同工一起建造一個裝備門徒的教會, 並曾在加拿大、美國、台灣、日本、法國、荷蘭、以色列等地宣教 (講道、培訓及傳福音)。陳牧師是『把握時機』宣教生命課程的合格導師, 並與妻子一同擔任加拿大『福臨萬家』婚姻家庭研習會的國語講員夫婦。 陳牧師與師母賴明怡結婚25年, 育有一子一女: 女兒以琳 (Elim) 及兒子證主 (Shalom) 現均就讀大學。

Rev. Joshua Kahle

Youth Pastor: Rev. Joshua Kahle

Email: josh@eastgatealliance.ca

Phone: +1 (613) 744-0682

Josh was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, into a large family — he has nine siblings, and they are all from the same two parents! Along with his siblings, Josh has grown up and attended East Gate since he was a wee baby. During his high school years, alongside a few other members of the youth group, he had an opportunity to take part in a 10-day mission trip to Mexico City, and while there, he felt God was really pressing on his heart to enter into ministry. Upon returning from that trip, and with much prayer and wrestling, he decided to accept God’s call, and in 2010, he was enrolled at Tyndale University College and Seminary.

Much to his surprise, after graduating in 2015 with a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology, God opened the door for Josh to come back to East Gate to serve as our Youth Pastor. Josh has a passion to see our youth not only come to know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Savior, but to walk and grow deeper in their relationship with Him over the course of their lives and in turn, make Him known to others as well!

Josh is a huge soccer fan and is competitive in everything from sports to staring contests. In 2012, he married his wife Stephanie, whom he had met and grown up with during his years attending our church’s youth group. Together, in March 2016, they had their first child, Elianna, who is the pride and joy of their lives.

Debbie Macphail

Children Pastor: Debbie Macphail

Email: debbie@eastgatealliance.ca

Phone: +1 (613) 744-0682

Debbie has been on staff at East Gate Alliance since 2007 as the Director of Children and Family Ministries. She oversees the children and family ministries for both East Gate and the Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church, and feels that joint ministry is a blessing! She enjoys serving and working alongside the families and volunteers from both congregations.

Debbie previously worked for 16 years with the Ottawa Carleton District School Board as an Educational Assistant for children with special needs. In 2006, Debbie felt God calling her into ministry, and over the next two years she transitioned from the education sector into children’s ministry. She completed an online program through Valley Forge Christian College, and obtained a Children’s Ministry Certificate.

Debbie has always had a passion and love for children, and desires to see families be units within which Christ is modeled and taught. She sees churches and families working together for one purpose — to raise up children to know and love Christ.